Work hard makes Perfect!
Thursday, December 22, 20118:40 AM
发了一场恶梦....梦见我拿到 1A, 1B, 5C 把梦告诉了Xin Xin....他说还有一科leh? Hahahaha....让我没那么紧张了...XD Me and Xin Xin went to Restaurant Strawberry to find Ah Chai and his mum. Saw them....I dont know that the guy sitting nxt to his mum is his daddy....XD Didn't call him uncle....>< (kinda rude...paiseh) -On the way to school- me and xin xin keep on talking.... Ah Chai listening to his song... Thanks uncle and aunty! ^^进礼堂前, 被学长, 09315,指甲油. -.- 拿成绩的时候很紧张...XD 很满意我自己的成绩, 拿倒时...超兴奋的! 可是统考的比较兴奋! Called mum and wanted to tell her my results... thn...Xin Xin keep shouting 骗他骗他骗他 She heard it and said:" 什么? 骗我?" HAHAHAHA Went to Mid Valley wif Xin Xin, Mian Xian and Amily!!! Watched Puss In Boots!!! Cute cat...XD *my '偶像' said Hi and gave me a Peace sign to me! XD We went for bowling, just 1 round...^^ My 1st throw was a STRIKE!!!!! Damn cool weih~ hehehehe Didn't play for n yrs d...XD Had lots of fun playing with them! ;) Waited for xin xin's 21 bus for so long...zzz You appeared, I'm quite shock because I thought u'll be very late. (I didnt rmb tat today is 冬至..hehe) I dirtied my new school shoe...TT (多脚,去弄那个铁) Went back to office and they said want to celebrate for me! We went to Pavilion....^^ Daddy wanted to buy me a I Pad or a I Phone... I rejected. I dont want all this... I LOVE my hp a lot! =D I dont know wad I want....kekekeke Had dinner at Morganfield‘s YUM yum!!!!! Took lots of photo just now...^^ 我在mian xian and Amily 的面前没形象了,因为那个HI我差点疯了...HAHAHA (Xin Xin 习惯了....XD) 这三天我太高兴了!!! 一直都很兴奋!!! 什么都影响不到我兴奋的心情! XD 但是...刚刚被 AH CHAI 破坏了! (现在没事了,我还是很兴奋,开心!) 我不是怪你啦.... 只是....我也不知道我为什么突然没耐心....对不起啊. 我们明年一起努力!!! =D 好期待明天!!! While I'm blogging, Darren, Ah Chai, Qing, Charmaine and Yong Jie came and hat wif me... Takes so long for me to finish this blog post. HAHAHA Had a Long chat wif Darren! =) (still chatting! hehehe) HAD LOTS OF FUN TODAY!!! Thanks guys! =D * STUDY HARD REALLY HELPS ME TO GET GOOD RESULTs* |
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